Voodoo Doc Dances Up a Storm-TOK

The visual presentation of the article makes it trustable. Even before I read, I had an idea that I could trust this article. Other thing that made me believe on the article is that some professionals commenting on the article, like Doc.Juru and Dr.Wolfgang. I believe that they are reliable because of the comments of professionals about the subject. I could not be able to check the information because they did not state the bibliography. It is a article that make people interested when they read. People who believe in science more than beliefs, will probably not enjoy this article as people that have other beliefs.

TOK: Experimental Knowledge.

I believe that most of the time our knowledge come from experiences. We only will be sure of something if we try by ourselves, even if someone that has already experienced and tell you that is not good, you will try anyways just to have a idea and not do anymore. I think every people learn from their experiences because they will always remember the situation if they face it again. The experience will be in the memory. I have grown in both ways, mentored by my family and also by people around me. Even if a really experienced person give you an advice, telling you not to do something, you would probably not listen to it because you want to try by yourself and take your own risk.
Our perspective will never be exactly the same as another person, because we all can see something with different eyes. For example, if someone tells you to bring a jacket because its cold but for you is hot. You have already your own opinion about what is cold or what is hot, if you came from a place that is really cold and you are leaving in a hot country. If one day is cold in that country, you would probably not feel cold because where you came from is much colder than this place.
All our experience is based on our culture, our community and sometimes take risks in order to learn the experience forever.