Ways of Knowing: Memory.

Knowledge question:How time and other actions can change people ways of think?

Real life situation: An innocent went to jail and lose most time of his life, because a woman said that she remembered him doing the crime.

The mistake that many people do, is that they believe that our memories are like a camera, that we can just back the time and remember something. The problem is that the memory does not work like that, most of the time we forgot something and we keep trying to remember something. After trying so much, we may find what we were looking for, but that memory could be something made by our own thoughts. We can clearly see that this is true by the case of a man that went to jail just because a woman said that she was 100% sure that he was the person who committed the crime, and at the end, after many years, his innocence was proved. Even if he won the case, his life was ruined just because of a false memory, and the time that we lost cannot be replaced. I do not think that the woman should be able to confirm that she was 100% sure, her only prove was her memory, and only her can say what she thinks. The police presented five people that matched the description she gave, five similar people, and she confirmed a guy that was not even the real one. Even after doing many experiments trying to prove the truth, still have mistakes. As the scientist said on the video, more than 300 people per year go to jail by mistake, all caused by these false memories.
I do not believe that the police should consider a memory as a reliable source, only the person who remembered is able to see what is she remembering, and at the end she can be wrong and could ruin the life of another, innocent, person. If only one person is able to confirm, I think that the person should not go to jail, even if the person is guilty. Is better a guilty free than a innocent in jail. The guilty will probably commit another crime and than he will have his punishment, if the innocent goes to jail he will just be wasting his life.

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